Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Liberty Baptist Church has a powerful, worldwide missions program.
God has given us a vision for winning people around the world.
We support over 40 missionaries and evangelists in over 30 countries.
While our Pastor fellowships with the Baptist Bible Fellowship, we also support a number of missionaries from other independent baptist affiliations.
Page under review and will be updated soon.
Henry Benach - Jewish End Time Ministries Steve Brown - Church Planter, Mississippi
Rhonda Green - Micronesia Greg Johnson - Kazkston
Michael Johnson - Mexico Bruce Northam - Evangelist
Ty Roberts - BBC Student Jim Rushing - Evangelist
Phil Schmitt - Ireland Larry Skipper - Prison Ministry
Rick Adams - Mexico Peter Aletter - Turkey
Charles Bias - South Asia Daniel Bowles - Zambia
William Busch - Germany Russ Daniels - Uganda
Dennis Ebert - Phillipines Bob Gilley - Brazil
David Green - Taiwan Keith Hainline - Kenya
Rex Harmon - Jamaica Clark Helvey - Denmark
David Howell - Brazil Vardaman Huckaby - Russia
Glen McGhee - Ecuador Bob Mello - The Azores
Chip Morgan - New Zealand Randy Perkins - Australia
Orlando Rivera - Puerto Rico Melissa Sanders - Seminole Indians
Sabrina Shangle - Ireland Andrew Simpson - Taiwan
Stephen Spore - Vanuatu Tim Stephens - Cambodia
Paul Sudbrock - Germany Steve Swann - Bulgaria
Richard Todd - Argentina Roy Webster - Argentina
Chris White - Singapore Don Williams - France
Jeff Williams - Siberia Steve Workman - Russia
Worth Worley - Russia Baptist Missions to Forgotten Peoples - Syria
Baptist Bible College Baptist Bible Tribune